5 years warranty for composite panels

We warrant that our composite panels are free from defects in accordance with

  • the applicable laws in view of the liability for defects
  • our sales and delivery terms
  • our technical data sheets
  • our assembly and process instructions

Our composite panels are free from defects on the grounds of

  • quality agreements
  • respectively, product information and techncial data sheets designated as agreements on quality the buyer received prior to the purchase order placement

Provided no other agreements have been made,

  • the product must be suitable for the contractual use
  • respectively, our product shall also be considered free from defects when it shows the properties that may be expected following our product description
  • please observe the complementary information in our documentation, in particular in relation to self-testing and counselling

The limitation period for all claims for defects

  • shall be 5 years from delivery, if the product was used on a building and caused the defect
  • otherwise 2 years

In addition to that, we also direct your attention to your obligation for inspection and notification in accordance with commercial law (HGB).

Questions for sandwich elements

Do you have questions? Please contact:

Jörg Bander
Sales composite panels
Tel.: +49 (0) 2773/815-306 - Email

Ralf Marxen
Sales facade elements
Tel.: +49 (0) 5245/9241-21 - Email

Geschäftsbereich Klebstoffe
Unser Sortiment umfasst aktuell mehr als 400 Varianten an Flächen- und Konstruktions-, Sekunden- sowie Spezial-Klebstoffen für die unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsbereiche. Ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Spezial-Reinigern, Sonderprodukten und Zubehör gehört ebenfalls zu unserem Lieferprogramm. » MEHR
Geschäftsbereich Sandwichelemente
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Geschäftsbereich Fassadenelemente
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