Burglar/penetration-resistive composite panels

Referring to their object-protecting characteristics penetration-resistive sandwich elements are to be classified in a higher level than glazing with resistance to thrown objects (manual attack). DIN EN 356 specifies the requirements and test methods for penetration-resistive glazing, which is intended to retard external forceful impacts on objects and/or persons within a protected area during a short period of time.

If applied, penetration-resistive sandwich elements should be integrated in frames or structures that themselves provide a reasonable resistance to attacks. Generally, they are divided in classes P6B, P7B and P8B. There are test certificates available issued by ift (Institut für Fenstertechnik) for all three classifications.

COSMO® Protect (P6B) - ALU

ALU on both sides, XPS core, ALU insert

Composite panels break resistant (P6B) consisting of semi hard pure aluminium cover sheets with a thickness of 1,5mm and a core of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS).



COSMO® Protect (P8B) - ALU

ALU on both sides, XPS core, ALU insert

Break resistant (P8B) composite panels consisting of semi hard pure aluminium cover sheets with a thickness of 1,5mm and a core of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS).


COSMO® Protect (P7B) - PVC

PVC on both sides, XPS core, ALU insert

Break resistant composite panels consisting of PVC compact panels with a thickness of 2,0mm, middle layer of aluminium and a core of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS).


COSMO® Protect - PVC

PVC on both sides, XPS core, PVC insert

Thermally insulated light weight with successfully tested shock-resistance


Questions for sandwich elements

Do you have questions? Please contact:

Jörg Bander
Sales composite panels
Tel.: +49 (0) 2773/815-306 - Email

Ralf Marxen
Sales facade elements
Tel.: +49 (0) 5245/9241-21 - Email

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