COSMO® Composite panels

Sandwich elements made by Weiss leave nothing to be desired. Because there is a large number of top coats and core materials available as well as there is the possibility of combining them in many different ways, a vast number of creative designs results for the finished element.



Our composite panels can be put together with a variety of different material combinations that can be designed individually.

Top coats
The external layers of a sandwich element are called top coats and can consist of the following materials:

  • Alu  (aluminium)
  • PVC  (polyvinylchloride)
  • HPL  (high-pressure laminated panels)
  • GFK  (GRP - glass fibre reinforced plastics)
  • CFK  (carbon fibre reinforced plastics)
  • EPO  (epoxy resin)
  • HD    (decorative films)
  • SPE   (plywood)
  • DSP  (thin chipboard)

The upper and the lower top coat can consist of the same material or of different materials.


Core materials
"Core material" is our designation for the inner components of our sandwich elements and can consist of the following materials:

  • XPS  (Extruded polystyrene rigid foam)
  • PUR  (polyurethane rigid foam)
  • TK  (thermoplastics)
  • MIN  (mineral fibre insulating material)
  • COSMO® FOAM  (bonded special granulated)
  • PR  (polyurethane recycling panels)
  • EPS  (expanded polystyrene rigid foam)
  • PUR/AL (polyurethane rigid foam/aluminium)

Special insert

  • Sound-insulating heavy film
  • Burglar-resistant aluminium insert


Questions for sandwich elements

Do you have questions? Please contact:

Jörg Bander
Sales composite panels
Tel.: +49 (0) 2773/815-306 - Email

Ralf Marxen
Sales facade elements
Tel.: +49 (0) 5245/9241-21 - Email

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